CatCo. gets a new editor-in-chief named Andrea Rojas. Kara and her friends find themselves facing a new threat known as Leviathan.

Black Lightning
The A.S.A. has imposed martial law on Freeland while covering up to the media that there is a SARS outbreak. Having some of the people who are suspected metahumans placed in the A.S.A.'s facility, Odell plans to weaponize those who have metahuman abilities while having Commander Carson Williams, Major Sara Grey, and Sergeant Gardner Grayle working for him to impose the martial law. To make matters worse, Odell had Khalil revived and reprogrammed to serve him.

The Flash
Barry and Iris learn that the crisis in which Barry disappears has moved up to December 2019, and that in order to save billions, the Flash must die. Meanwhile, Ramsey Rosso discovers a way to cure people through dark matter, only to turn himself into a metahuman with a violent bloodthirst.

The Monitor recruits Oliver to aid him in his mission to prevent the coming Crisis. William, Connor Hawke, and Mia mysteriously time travel from 2040 to the present-day Star City.

Following the disappearance of Gotham City-based vigilante Batman, Kate discovers that her cousin Bruce Wayne was Batman and decides to follow in his footsteps by becoming her own vigilante using her prior military skills, coined "Batwoman" by the media, with the help of tech-expert and former Wayne Enterprises employee Luke Fox, and her stepsister Mary Hamilton.

Legends of Tomorrow
Astra Logue, whom John accidentally sent to Hell in a botched exorcism, has resurrected evil individuals from history known as "Encores". Meanwhile, Charlie is revealed to be Clotho of the three Fates who is being pursued by her sisters to recover the Loom of Fate.
Viewing Order
Batwoman (Season 1 Episode 7)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 1)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 1)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 1)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 2)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 2)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 2)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 1)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 3)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 3)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 3)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 2)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 4)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 4)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 4)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 3)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 5)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 5)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 5)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 4)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 6)
Batwoman (Season 1 Episode 8)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 6)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 6)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 5)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 7)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 7)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 6)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 7)
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 8)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 8)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 8)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 7)
The Flash
Legends of Tomorrow
Freedom Fighters: The Ray
Black Lightning
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Lightning (Season 3 Episode 9)
Supergirl (Season 5 Episode 9)
Batwoman (Season 1 Episode 9)
The Flash (Season 6 Episode 9)
Arrow (Season 8 Episode 8)
Legends (Season 5 Episode 0)