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The Offer




Following Kate Kane's supposed death from a plane crash, homeless ex-con Ryan Wilder finds the bat-suit from the plane wreckage and takes up the mantle of Batwoman to avenge her mother's death. Meanwhile, Alice explores more of her past which she has mysterious connections with a man named Ocean and a mysterious enemy known as Safiyah Sohail – the woman who had Enigma erase those memories for unknown reasons; In addition, the Crows face up against a new drug dealing organization known as the False Face Society led by Black Mask.


Black Lightning



Jefferson has stopped being Black Lightning. The 100 is in a turf war with the Kobra Cartel. Tobias is now working as a philanthropist much to the Pierces and Gambi's dismay. In light of Henderson's death, Mayor Billy Black swears in Ana Lopez as the new chief of police.


Superman & Lois



Clark Kent / Superman and Lois Lane return to Smallville with their sons Jonathan and Jordan, where they are reacquainted with Lana Lang, her husband Kyle Cushing, and their daughter Sarah. Their idyllic lives are upended when The Stranger enters as well as by the secret experiments of Morgan Edge.


The Flash



Team Flash defeats Eva and creates a new Speed Force while Iris, Kamilla, and Singh escape the Mirror Dimension. As a side effect of Eva's attacks, Caitlin and Frost are separated into different bodies. Later, Team Flash contends with the birth of the Strength Force, the Sage Force, and the Still Force. Afterwards, Team Flash gets caught up in the Godspeed War, in which Barry is reunited with his future daughter Nora and meets his future son Bart Allen.





Lex attempts to finish what the Anti-Monitor started after he failed in conquering the multiverse. He successfully imprisons Kara in the Phantom Zone as her friends figure out a way to bring her back out while Kara discovers her father is in the Phantom Zone. After their rescue, Supergirl's group must contend with the 5th Dimension Imp Nyxlygsptlnz who also escaped the Phantom Zone and is seeking the different Totems to get revenge on her father King Brpxz.


Legends of Tomorrow



It is revealed that Sara was kidnapped by Gary & his fiancé Kayla (who are both aliens). Sara's alien abduction was orchestrated by a scientist named Bishop, who created the Avas. He plans to create the perfect warrior by copying Sara's DNA and memories and combining it with other aliens upon claiming that he has seen the end of the human race. While attempting to escape her imprisonment, Sara accidentally releases a menagerie of aliens throughout the timeline, including Kayla, whom Mick becomes romantically involved with.

Viewing Order

Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 1)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 1)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 1)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 2)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 2)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 2)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 3)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 3)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 3)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 1)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 4)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 4)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 4)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 2)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 5)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 5)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 5)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 3)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 6)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 6)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 6)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 4)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 7)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 7)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 7)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 5)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 8)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 8)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 8)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 6)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 9)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 9)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 9)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 7)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 10)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 10)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 10)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 8)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 11)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 11)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 11)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 9)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 12)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 12)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 12)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 10)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 13)
Lightning (Season 4 Episode 13)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 13)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 11)

Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 14)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 14)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 12)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 15)
S&L (Season 1 Episode 15)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 13)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 16)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 1)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 14)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 17)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 2)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 15)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 18)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 3)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 16)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 4)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 17)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 5)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 18)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 1)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 6)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 2)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 7)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 3)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 8)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 4)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 9)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 5)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 10)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 6)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 11)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 7)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 12)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 8)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 13)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 9)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 14)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 10)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 15)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 11)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 16)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 12)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 17)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 13)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 18)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 14)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 19)
Legends (Season 6 Episode 15)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 20)


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow
Black Lightning
Superman & Lois (Season 1)

The Offer
Superman & Lois (Season 1 Episode 12)
Batwoman (Season 2 Episode 16)
The Flash (Season 7 Episode 16)
Supergirl (Season 6 Episode 12)

The Offer

Superman & Lois (Elseworld)

Season 2 - Season 4

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic causing multiple behind the scenes struggles the decision was made for Superman & Lois to be set on it's own Elseworld and stop connecting to the Arrowverse starting with season 2.

Last Update: March 4th, 2025
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